Yesterday morning I was up early, trying to find everything. Suddenly I realised that the time was eight o'clock on the dot.
When I arrived at school, all the Cross Country runners had all ready arrived. I couldn't wait until it was time to set off.
Finally we were in the car, ready and on our way to the school (Paparimu) in which we had the Cross Country at. When we were at Paparimu School we set up our Gazebo.
All the schools that competed had to gather and have an assembly. We then were showed all over the course where we had to run. As soon as we got back to the Gazebo, the year fives and sixes had their turn to run. I was screaming for all of my Ramarama School mates to do well. I had hoped that none of them would come last. When I saw the saw the competitors come up the soggy, moist mud, I then realised that I saw Sonny. I was yelling. He obviously heard me because he looked back, with a face so sour.
It was soon my turn to run. I tried to sprint across the sharp rocks, but my feet wouldn't let me. The sharp rocks lasted most of the way on the course. When we came up the last hill, I was already tired. But I saw everyone from the Ramarama School Cross Country team. The last lap I tried to do the best I could. I ran past a lot of girls. As soon as I got back on the sharp rocks I slowed down. I felt my red, hot and sticky face pounding. At the end I now knew why Sonny had pulled such a sour face. Everyone was so noisy, and all I wanted peace and quiet.
The day went fast, and I came twenty-sixth. I was so relieved I had finished the race.
By Sophie
Wow I had fun at the Cross Country.